Clearing and Forwarding Agent in Mumbai

Clearing and Forwarding Agent in Mumbai

If you are looking for the best clearing and forwarding agent in Mumbai, look no further than Citrus Freight, best CHA in Mumbai. Our clearing and forwarding agency has established itself as a reliable partner for businesses seeking efficient and hassle-free logistics solutions. As a leading clearing and forwarding agent in Mumbai, we pride ourselves on our exceptional service and expertise, ensuring smooth operations for all your shipping needs. We are a clearing and forwarding agent in Mumbai. Our expertise and knowledge of customs regulations and procedures can help streamline the process and ensure the smooth transportation of your goods like fruits, vegetables, and other perishable goods like meat and dairy products.

Citrus online consultant for freight forwarding services in mumbai
  • Ocean Freight

    As a trusted clearing and forwarding agent in Mumbai, we specialize in perishable exports and have routes throughout the Gulf, Upper Gulf, Iran, Iraq, the Middle East, and Europe. Our products and services include onions, grapes, bananas, pomegranates, green chilies, and vegetables. With our expertise and dedication, we ensure that your perishable goods reach their destination safely and on time, offering you a seamless and reliable logistics solution for your valuable cargo.

  • First-Time Port Registration and Port KYC

    Our services include A.D. code, Duty Drawback, and ICEGate registration. Our services also provide a safe and efficient method of validating consumers' identities. Through Port KYC, we also ensure regulatory compliance and reduce the risk of fraud or illegal activity.

  • Customs Clearance/CHA services

    Our customs clearance includes FCL shipments, container load plan preparation, and container stuffing and de-stuffing. We also provide transit services to and from the port or terminal by road or rail. Our CHA services include document management, inspections, and duty and tax payments.

  • Surface Transport Service

    Our services are supplied with modern technologies that allow real-time tracking and monitoring of cargo while in transit, ensuring prompt and secure delivery. Our surface transport solution includes 50+ fleets covering Maharashtra and is quickly growing into additional markets.

  • Cargo claim

    We provide 24-hour customer assistance and a remote monitoring system thats allows real-time product tracking during delivery. If the goods are damaged during shipping, our customer support team is accessible to address the client's issues. Our app provides a simple way to file cargo claims.

  • Marine Insurance

    Our Citrus Freight team's major goal is to secure the security of your marine cargo and use real-time monitoring to recover any damaged products. We also offer insurance services with a 92% premium settlement ratio. Furthermore, our user-friendly app lets customers easily access digital marine insurance services.

Why Citrus for Clearance and Freight Forwarding?

With the help of experts in perishable shipping and networks of top shipping lines, we believe in providing the best for our clients. Our dedicated customer support for the 24/7 helpline has helped us gain the trust of top exporters. The trust in perishable exports over the years has enhanced the scope of our integrated logistics service from door to door. Our expertise in the GCC, the Far East, Europe, and Russian routes, as well as local transportation across PAN Maharashtra, makes us the best choice for all your freight forwarding needs. Our fair pricing and costs of logistic supplies are why you can afford us to be your logistics and freight forwarding partners.

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Our Clients



“Being part of perishable exports for years and trusting Citrus Freight has made us recommend them to you. The services they provide are over-the-top standards. We are happy and satisfied to choose them as our logistic and freight forwarding partner.”

Uttamrao Deoram


“Highly recommended clearing and freight forwarding agent in Mumbai. The team of experts is the epitome of excellence in driving the required services. Must opt as a choice if you're looking for shipping or clearance services.”

Abhijeet Dileep


“I would rate them five on 5 for their helpline service. They are available at the blink of your call. They have helped me resolve customs clearance and documentation issues like an easy cakewalk. I recommend it if you are searching for custom clearance services across PAN Maharashtra.”

G Satish Govind

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