The Ultimate Guide to Storing and Exporting Cavendish Bananas from India

The Complete Guide to Storing and Exporting Cavendish Bananas

Throughout the world, Cavendish bananas are among the most well-liked and extensively consumed fruits. They're very popular in the international market because of their uniform size, taste, sweetness, and shelf life. Cavendish bananas are loaded with nutritional fiber, potassium, and vitamin C. In addition, they may be used in smoothies, baked goods, and sweets. Though the Cavendish are popular, certain new diseases are prone to them. As a result, research and farming practices are being continued to protect the Cavendish banana's sustainability.

Cavendish banana exporters in India, play a significant role in meeting global demand. These exporters ensure that high-quality Cavendish bananas are available in international markets, contributing to the fruit's popularity and availability worldwide.

In this blog, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the process of storing bananas and exporting Cavendish bananas from one country to another.

Top States that Export Cavendish Bananas

  • Andhra Pradesh
  • Maharashtra
  • Pune

Locating Trusted Sources for Cavendish Bananas

When starting the Cavendish banana export, it is crucial to select a trustworthy supplier and build good relationships. You need to take these factors into account as you proceed with your export business:

1. Product Quality for Bananas: Prioritizing banana quality is a must if you want to succeed in international markets. You need to collaborate with reputable vendors to provide high-quality cavendish bananas on a regular basis. Adopt strict quality control measures to keep your export offers renowned for excellence.

2. Supply Capacity : Exporters need a steady and dependable supply of cavendish bananas to meet their demand. Establish alliances with many suppliers to guarantee a consistent supply of bananas. To reduce potential risks and disruptions, try not to rely on a single provider.

3. Financial Stability and Support : Work together with suppliers who possess the capacity to oversee large-scale export transactions. Seek out suppliers who may offer favorable credit terms to ensure smooth business operations and timely payment. You can further boost your export efforts and ensure that you're prepared to seize growth prospects by investigating funding options.

Details of the farming, cleaning, and packaging processes of the Cavendish bananas

1. Setting the Land: The farmer needs to make three harrowings and two plowings. After harrowing, leveling is completed. Pits are excavated, ridges and furrows constructed, and well-decomposed compost, or FYM, poured inside.

2. Harvesting : A tropical climate with humid weather is ideal for growing banana crops. Cavendish bananas need to be harvested while they are green and have grown to full size. Harvesting these fruits at the proper time will maintain their consistent nature and allow you to easily export them.

3. Plantation Time : Bananas depend on water and climate. Planting occurs in regions with heavy rains in September or October and in areas where June and July are the driest months. In hilly regions with April irrigation, planting is done in February and March.

Post-Harvesting Process of the Cavendish Bananas

The procedures utilized to get the bananas ready for marketing are referred to as post-harvest handling operations. These tasks can be carried out at a packing house, a collection center, or the field. The packing area needs to be kept clean at all times to avoid being exposed to sun rays and heavy rain. Every employee is required to use best practices and maintain proper hygiene.


Washing reduces discoloration by clearing dirt from the cavendish banana's surface and coagulating latex that has leaked from the sliced surface of the crown. Bananas that are needed to export outside India should be cleaned properly so that the fruits reach the port in their optimal condition.

Grading and sorting

The process of grading involves grouping produce based on industry-accepted standards, including size and quality. Sorting cavendish bananas means organizing them into groups based on standards set by those doing the sorting. This step is crucial before bananas are sold. Factors like size, ripeness, freshness, meeting local and global standards, no physical damage, and signs of decay are considered during sorting. Every batch undergoes careful inspection to ensure only bananas meeting these quality criteria are chosen for distribution and consumption.


Cavendish bananas are packed in crates after being harvested while still green and delivered to packing factories. The bananas are sorted, cleaned, and quality-inspected at these facilities. Only bananas that satisfy requirements for ripeness, color, and size are chosen. After that, they are placed inside boxes, labeled with details like variety and origin, and occasionally wrapped for safety. Cavendish bananas may be packed, let mature, and then placed into refrigerated containers to be shipped globally. Rigid containers, such as plastic crates, are recommended for the bulk packing of bananas because they provide enough protection against compression damage.

Go for a reputed logistics company for a safe export

Selecting a trustworthy shipping company

To successfully export Cavendish bananas, one must choose a dependable transportation provider. To ensure that their goods are properly stored during travel, exporters should select a logistics company that has experience handling perishable cargo and offers temperature-controlled trucks or containers.

Checking for Spoilage

While the bananas are being transported, exporters need to keep an eye out for any symptoms of deterioration or damage. Make sure there are no injuries, mold, or strange smells. To guarantee that the cavendish bananas reach their destination in the best possible shape and to stop additional rotting, promptly fix any difficulties that may arise.


To lower the fruit's temperature, the packed boxes are loaded and stacked in the pre-cooling area. The room will be kept at 13.5ºC with a RH of 85–90%. The room thermometer, hygrometer, and pulp thermometer were used to verify the fruit's and the storage space's temperatures. The fruit should reach the ideal temperature in the cold storage itself because many of the container refrigeration units are only made to sustain chilly temperatures, not for the quick removal of field heat. Fruit boxes should only be stacked in ship holds or containers when sufficient air has been provided for each box.

Pre-cooling Before Exporting Cavendish Banana has Several Advantages

1. Elimination of Field Heat: Pre-cooling delays the aging process naturally and increases shelf life.

2. Decrease in Ripening and Respiration : Pre-cooling slows down ripening and respiration, keeping the fruit intact while in transit.

3. Minimization of Moisture Loss : Texture and appearance are preserved while moisture loss is minimized.

4. Preventing Bruise Damage : By reducing the possibility of bruise damage during transportation, pre-cooling guarantees that items arrive in optimal condition.

5. Inhibition of Ethylene Generation : Pre-cooling stops premature ripening by preventing the generation of ethylene.

6. Control of spoilage organisms : It improves product safety by preventing the growth of bacterial organisms.

7. Ease on Cooling Systems : By reducing the strain on refrigeration systems, pre-cooling enhances efficiency and reduces energy consumption.

Reefer Container Storage

The recommended temperature for transporting Cavendish bananas in a normal reefer container is between +13.3°C and +13.9°C, with a maximum air exchange of 30 m2/hour. The approximate storage duration is up to 40 days, and humidity control should be turned off. The value of Protect Cut-Off Days, indicating the number of days after the harvest date within which the goods should be gated in at the port of loading, is three days.

When transporting Cavendish bananas in a controlled atmosphere, the recommended temperature is between +14°C and +14.4°C, with the air exchange closed. The approximate storage duration extends to 45 days, with humidity control remaining off. The Value Protect Cut-Off Days are also three days. Note that if transported in a CA container, bags with holes (polybag or polypac) must always be used, with an oxygen concentration of 3% and a carbon dioxide concentration of 4–5%.

Selecting an Expert Freight Forwarder

Selecting the proper freight forwarder can have a major impact on the transportation of perishable goods. Here's a quick guide to help you locate the ideal fit:

1. Perishables expertise : Look for a forwarder with experience packing and shipping perishable goods. Their knowledge is essential to preserving the quality and freshness of your Cavendish bananas during shipment.

2. Effective Group : Select a forwarder with a competent group dedicated to guaranteeing punctual delivery and smooth operations for your perishable fruit shipments.

3. Customer-Centric Approach : Give top priority to a forwarder who prioritizes your needs. They ought to offer insightful advice and help you through the complexities of exporting mangoes.

4. Quick Quotes and Outstanding Service : Pick a forwarder who provides accurate, timely quotes along with excellent service.

5. Reputable Internet Presence : A forwarder that has received favorable reviews online is a trustworthy and legitimate option.

Documents Required to Export Cavendish Bananas

Import-Export License : The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) in India can provide you with an Importer-Exporter Code (IEC).

Tax Registration : Register with the relevant authorities for the Goods and Services Tax (GST).

Phytosanitary Certificate : The Plant Quarantine Department issues the phytosanitary certificate , which attests to the fact that your bananas adhere to the plant health laws of the nation of import.

Certificate of Origin : The certificate of origin , provided by chambers of commerce, attests to the origin of your bananas.

Commercial Invoice: A commercial invoice has comprehensive details on the goods, quantity, price, terms, and other pertinent details.

Packing List: A packing list lists all of the items and specifics of how each shipment is packaged.

Bill of Lading : The shipping line issues a bill of lading , which acts as both a contract of carriage and a receipt for your bananas.

Testing Report : To make sure your bananas fulfill particular quality and safety requirements, some markets may need this.

Insurance Certificate : A document proving that the consignment is insured against loss or damage.

Letter of Credit : A financial document that assures the importer's bank will pay the exporter.

Health Certificate : To confirm that your mangoes fulfill health and safety regulations in some places, you might need to present a health certificate . Make sure you adhere to these specifications for a seamless export procedure.

Customs Declaration : Necessary for correct duty and tax computation.

Certificate of Export Inspection Agency (EIA) (where applicable) : This document ensures that the bananas you import meet the importing nation's quality criteria.

Port Registration : To speed up the customs processing and clearance process , register your export shipments of mangos at the assigned port. To ensure accurate documentation and tracking, this step entails providing the pertinent shipment paperwork.


Exporting perishable goods is a complex task that involves meticulous practices in harvesting, storing, and packaging. At Citrus Freight , we specialize in seamless logistics, market insights, and accurate documentation to ship your perishables.